Accepted Posters

Accepted Posters from Open Call for Posters

Themelios: a model-checked reimplementation of Kubernetes
Andrew Jeffery (University of Cambridge), Richard Mortier (University of Cambridge)

Unveiling Page Bloating in SSDs: File Blocks Stored Across Unnecessarily Many Pages
yuhun Jun (Sungkyunkwan University), Euiseong Seo (SungKyunKwan University)

Beyond reCAP: Local Reads and Linearizable Asynchronous Replication
Antonios Katsarakis (Huawei Research), Emmanouil Giortamis (TU Munich), Vasilis Gavrielatos (Huawei Research), Pramod Bhatotia (TU Munich), Aleksandar Dragojevic (None), Boris Grot (University of Edinburgh), Vijay Nagarajan (University of Utah), Panagiota Fatourou (FORTH ICS and University of Crete, Greece)

On the Limitations of Carbon-Aware Temporal and Spatial Workload Shifting in the Cloud
Thanathorn Sukprasert (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Abel Souza (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Noman Bashir (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), David Irwin (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Single-GPU GNN Systems: Pitfalls and Future Directions
Yidong Gong (William & Mary), Pradeep Kumar (William & Mary)

TraceUpscaler: Upscaling Traces to Evaluate Systems at High Load
Sultan Mahmud Sajal (The Pennsylvania State University), Timothy Zhu (The Pennsylvania State University), Bhuvan Urgaonkar (The Pennsylvania State University), Siddhartha Sen (Microsoft Research)
Abstract: Please find the paper in the main conference proceedings

Practicing the benefits of co-execution in HPC
Nikolaos Triantafyllis (National Technical University of Athens), Efstratios Karapanagiotis (National Technical University of Athens), Alexios Papavasileiou (National Technical University of Athens), Georgios Goumas (National Technical University of Athens), Nectarios Koziris (National Technical University of Athens)

FLOAT: Federated Learning Optimizations with Automated Tuning
Ahmad Faraz Khan (Virginia Tech), Azal Ahmad Khan (Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati), Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem (Queen Mary University of London), Samuel Fountain (University of Minnesota), Ali R. Butt (Virginia Tech), Ali Anwar (University of Minnesota)
Abstract: Please find the paper in the main conference proceedings

CSAL: the Next-Gen Local Disks for the Cloud
Yanbo Zhou (Alibaba Group), Erci Xu (Alibaba Group), Li Zhang (Alibaba Group), Kapil Karkra (Solidigm), Mariusz Barczak (Solidigm), Wayne Gao (Solidigm), Wojciech Malikowski (Solidigm), Mateusz Kozlowski (Solidigm), Łukasz Łasek (Solidigm), Ruiming Lu (Alibaba Group), Feng Yang (Alibaba Group), Lilong Huang (Alibaba Group), Xiaolu Zhang (Alibaba Group), Keqiang Niu (Alibaba Group), Jiaji Zhu (Alibaba Group), Jiesheng Wu (Alibaba Group)
Abstract: Please find the paper in the main conference proceedings

DynaHeap: Dynamic Division of DRAM between Heterogeneous Managed Heaps
Iacovos G. Kolokasis (University of Crete and FORTH, Greece), Shoaib Akram (Australian National University), Foivos Zakkak (Red Hat, Inc.), Polyvios Pratikakis (University of Crete and FORTH, Greece), Angelos Bilas (University of Crete and FORTH, Greece)

Syscall-based Isolation for Monolithic OS Kernels
Yosuke Tanimoto (TUAT), Hiroshi Yamada (TUAT)

GraphGen: A Distributed Graph Sample Generation Framework on Industry-Scale Graphs
Yue Jin (Ant Group), Sheng Tian (Ant Group), Yongchao Liu (Ant Group), Chuntao Hong (Ant Group)

Interception Inception: Analyzing CUDA call Interception methods for Serverless Environments
Manos Pavlidakis (FORTH, Greece), Anargyros Argyros (FORTH, Greece), Stelios Mavridis (FORTH-ICS), Giorgos Vasiliadis (Hellenic Mediterranean University and FORTH), Angelos Bilas (University of Crete and FORTH, Greece)

Dordis: Efficient Federated Learning with Dropout-Resilient Differential Privacy
Zhifeng Jiang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Wei Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Ruichuan Chen (Nokia Bell Labs)
Abstract: Please find the paper in the main conference proceedings

Enhancing Generalization through Task Vector Fusion in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Database Optimization
Taiyi Wang (University of Cambridge), Eiko Yoneki (University of Cambridge)

From Seconds to Msec Tail Latency in LSM KV Stores by Increasing Growth Factor Between Memory and Device
Giorgos Xanthakis (University of Crete & ICS-FORTH), Antonis Katsarakis (Huawei), Georgios Saloustros (FORTH), Angelos Bilas (University of Crete and FORTH, Greece)

On energy-aware training of Deep Neural Networks in containerized environments
Dimitrios Tomaras (Athens University of Economics and Business), Vana Kalogeraki (Athens University of Economics and Business), Nikolaos Panagiotou (University of Athens), Dimitrios Gunopulos (University of Athens)

Efficient Restoration of Virtual Machine Snapshots
Giannis Tzouros (Athens University of Economics and Business), Vana Kalogeraki (Athens University of Economics and Business)

xmap: Transparent, Hugepage-Driven Heap Extension over Fast Storage Devices
Ioannis Malliotakis (University of Crete and FORTH-ICS), Anastasios Papagiannis (Isovalent), Manolis Marazakis (FORTH-ICS), Angelos Bilas (University of Crete and FORTH, Greece)

Contigra: Graph Mining with Containment Constraints
Joanna Che (Simon Fraser University), Kasra Jamshidi (Simon Fraser University), Keval Vora (Simon Fraser University)
Abstract: Please find the paper in the main conference proceedings

Toward Efficient Formal Verification of Reference Monitors for Isolated Execution
Ryo Nakashima (The University of Tokyo), Takahiro Shinagawa (The University of Tokyo)

Blox: A modular toolkit for Deep Learning Schedulers
Saurabh Agarwal (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Amar Phanishayee (Microsoft Research), Shivaram Venkataraman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Abstract: Please find the paper in the main conference proceedings

PAM: Fast reactive reconfiguration for stateful stream processing
Pritish Mishra (University of Toronto), Oana Balmau (McGill University), Eyal de Lara (University of Toronto)

Feasibility in counterfactual explanations
Kleopatra Markou (University of Athens), Dimitrios Tomaras (Athens University of Economics and Business), Vana Kalogeraki (Athens University of Economics and Business), Dimitrios Gunopulos (University of Athens)

AutoFair Toolkit: An automated tool for evaluating fairness in AI/ML models
Angelos Poulis (University of Athens), Dimitrios Tomaras (Athens University of Economics and Business), Vana Kalogeraki (Athens University of Economics and Business), Dimitrios Gunopulos (University of Athens)

On evaluating counterfactual explanations for ML models in distributed systems
Elianna Douka (University of Athens), Dimitrios Tomaras (Athens University of Economics and Business), Dimitrios Gunopulos (University of Athens)

We Need Volunteer Spirit! for Speeding Up Consolidated DPDK Applications
Yuki Tsujimoto (Keio University), Kenta Ishiguro (Keio University), Kenichi Yasukata (Keio University), Kenji Kono (Keio University)

Energy-Aware Scheduling for Serverless Computing
Michail Tsenos (Athens University of Economics and Business), Aristotelis Peri (Athens University of Economics and Business), Vana Kalogeraki (Athens University of Economics and Business)

OpenCV hardware acceleration with vAccel
Maria Goutha (Nubis PC), Ilias Lagomatis (Nubis PC), Anastassios Nanos (Nubis PC)

Assessing Hardware Fault Tolerance: A Comprehensive Study of Fault Detection Methods and Their Trade-Offs
Constantinos-Nikolaos Papadopoulos (National Technical University of Athens), Christina Giannoula (University of Toronto), Nikolaos-Charalampos Papadopoulos (National Technical University of Athens), Nectarios Koziris (National Technical University of Athens), José M.G. Merayo (Technical University of Denmark), Dionisios Pnevmatikatos (National Technical University of Athens & ICCS)

Leveraging Sharding-based Hybrid Consensus for Blockchain
Hind Baageel (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals), Md Mahfuzur Rahman (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals)

DLHT: A Non-blocking Resizable Hashtable with Fast Deletes and Memory-Awareness
Antonios Katsarakis (Huawei Research), Vasilis Gavrielatos (Huawei Research), Nikos Ntarmos (Huawei Research UK)