Call for Workshops
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the EuroSys’24 conference. The purpose of workshops is to provide a forum for exchanging opinions, presenting ideas, and discussing preliminary results in an interactive atmosphere.
Please note that no online/hybrid workshops will be held this year.
Important dates
- Workshop proposals due: Sunday, November 5, 2023
- Acceptance notification: Monday, November 20, 2023
- Date of workshops: Monday, April 22, 2024
All deadline times are Anywhere on Earth (AoE).
Proposal format
Proposals should include (within the limit of 5 pages):
- The workshop name and a 150–200-word abstract describing the workshop suitable for the conference web site.
- A brief CV of each of the organizers including contact addresses and an identification of a single primary contact.
- A short summary of the topic, scope and significance of the workshop, including a discussion on the relevance to EuroSys topics (please include information about past iterations of the workshop, if any).
- Information about the procedure for selecting papers and/or presentations, plans for dissemination (for example, online proceedings, special issues of journals, position statements distributed to the participants, etc.), the expected number of participants, and the planned workshop format.
- Tentative schedule including paper submission dates, notification dates, camera-ready dates (if any), and registration.
- Indicate whether the workshop is a half- or full-day event.
The definite dates for workshop submissions and camera-ready deadlines are yet to be set. However, the fall deadline EuroSys paper notifications are scheduled to be sent out by February 7, 2024, thus the workshop submission deadlines should be after that if you expect that authors of rejected papers might want to submit to your workshop.
Workshop notifications must probably be sent out by beginning of March 2024, so that authors can benefit from the rate for early registration (ending March 15, 2024) and students can apply for travel grants. All workshops will take place on **April 22nd, 2024**. Workshop chairs will provide organizers with a schedule template that will include precise timings for starting, coffee breaks, lunch break and closing; due to organization issues the schedule template will not be negotiable, and all workshop organizers commit themselves to respect these timings. The scheduling of talks within the template is up to the workshop organizers.
All proposals will be judged on their merits and the best proposals will be accepted. Specifically, workshops that have been organized at previous iterations of Eurosys are not automatically accepted. For instance, we will take into account the success of previous events (in terms of attendance, submissions, etc.) in our deliberations.
The EuroSys organization provides:
- A link on the EuroSys Web site.
- Management of registration for participants.
- Setup of meeting space and related equipment. Each room will be equipped with:
- Video projection equiwith standard HDMI or VGA connectors.
- Audio amplification system with microphone.
- Coffee breaks and workshop lunch arrangements.
- Organization of the common poster and demonstration session during the extended afternoon coffee break.
The publication of proceedings is not a requirement for EuroSys workshops. For workshops interested in publishing their proceedings on the ACM Digital Library, the EuroSys organization will provide the following support.
Workshop proceedings will be published in separate volumes from the EuroSys conference proceedings, but will be listed as side events of the conference in the ACM Digital Library. The publication process is under the responsibility of the workshop organizers but the main conference publication chair will provide the following bootstrap support:
- Establish contact between the ACM services and workshop publication officers.
- Provide ISBN numbers.
- Workshops that want proceedings in the digital library should use *hotcrp* for their submission.
- Currently, the ACM guarantees proceedings in the digital library within three weeks. The publication chairs should have all of the permission forms one week before that. The workshop chairs should set their camera-ready deadlines accordingly.
The main responsibility of organizing a workshop goes to the chairperson(s) of the workshop. The workshop organization must take care of:
- Setting up and hosting a webpage for the workshop.
- Coordinating deadlines and acceptance notifications for workshop papers with the EuroSys Workshop co-chairs.
- Workshop publicity, call for papers, and submission and review process.
- Providing a brief description of the workshop for inclusion on the EuroSys Web page.
- If using published proceedings, coordinate with ACM offices to collect camera-ready copies of the papers and copyright forms and prepare the final proceedings.
- Scheduling workshop activities in accordance with the schedule template provided by the EuroSys organizers.
Submissions will be done via the google form at .
For any further information, please contact the workshop chairs: